Can I see my private doctor for my workers’ compensation injury?
The short answer is maybe. However, it is only when an employee has pre-designated his or her private doctor, and the pre-designation occurred prior to the workers’ compensation injury. There are additional requirements that must be met before an injured worker can see his/her private doctor and remain under the care of one’s private doctor for a workers’ compensation injury. You should consult with a lawyer if you believe you pre-designated your private doctor for your workers’ compensation injury.
It most cases, the employee will have to receive medical treatment from a workers’ compensation doctor/primary treating physician. If you are an unrepresented employee, the worker’s compensation insurance company adjuster will direct you to a workers’ compensation doctor/primary treating physician. If you are a represented employee, your workers’ compensation attorney can help you select a workers’ compensation doctor/primary treating physician
This seems like an easy task, but there are several things to consider when choosing the workers’ compensation doctor/primary treating physician. For example, a workers’ compensation attorney will determine whether or not your employer has a medical provider network in place. Another thing to consider is whether or not your employer’s medical provider network includes the type of specialist(s) needed for your workers’ compensation injury. Last, the attorney will use his or her experiencing when looking through the list of possible workers’ compensation doctors/primary treating physicians to recommend a specific provider, pending on one’s disability benefits.
The selection of the workers’ compensation doctor/primary treating physician is important because the doctor will recommend a treatment plan, whether the employee should be off from work to recover from the injury, whether there is any impairment from the industrial injury, and will opine whether future medical treatment is indicated. If you are faced with the dilemma of electing a workers’ compensation doctor/primary treating physician, contact the attorneys at Ideal Legal Group, Inc. for a consultation.