Explaining Shared Custody to your Children

Shared custody between parents occurs when a judge allows guardianship and care for a child to both divorcing parents. Shared custody can be distinguished either by shared legal custody -such as religion or academics- and shared physical custody -which is how the child divides his time between both parents’ homes. Once the shared custody has…

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Adding Virtual Currency to Divorces

Divorces are infamous for being complex when it comes to defining which asset should be divided to which partner. Virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin or Litecoin, pose an increase in complexity when calculating their worth and deciding how to divide them between each party. In addition, the lack of paper trails when using the currency…

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Surrogacy and Paid Family Leave

In New Delhi, India, female employees of the federal government can now apply for paid family leave if they have a child through surrogacy. The new decision from the personnel ministry came when a mother had twins through the assisted family planning process, yet was denied paid family leave because she was not the biological mother.

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Assets and Debts Division At Divorce

Under California’s community property laws, assets and debts spouses acquire during marriage belong equally to both of them, and they must divide them equally in divorce and each spouse keeps his or her separate property. California law defines community property as any asset acquired during marriage. Separate property is defined as anything acquired by a spouse before the marriage, during the marriage…

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