How to Approach Social Media During Divorce?
Social media allows people to share their lives and feelings to a public space. It also has functions that enable users to meet new people or search for a romantic partner. On the other hand, your social media activity can turn into an allegation in your marriage and be held against you. This is because it reveals one’s personality, financial status, romantic relationship status and so forth, and these can be analyzed as evidence and support in the courtroom. A user can post and update, or be tagged his/ her status or pictures with location, date and time; thus, this makes social media a good legal document for evaluating a party in a marital relationship. If you wish to decrease the risk of damaging your case against your soon to be ex-spouse, please take note of the following:
1. Don’t try to delete a post that has already existed in your account. This is because deleting a post can be suspicious. Besides, a social media post can be a legal evidence in the court; therefore, getting rid of a post can be treated as obliterating evidence.
2. Always think twice before any social media activities. Even if one share, like, following or subscription on social media will reflect your preference, financial and mental status, personality and etc., which have an impact on your reputation in a divorce, custody or alimony case. For example, you should avoid complaining or attacking your partner, children or family in general. If you are under custody procedure, do not post something that is related to drugs or alcohol.
3. Stop using dating website or applications and updating your new romantic relationship are recommended. If you continue on your online dating profile or announce a new affair, these will make you to be the one who cheated in your past relationship, hence, creating negative consequences during your legal process.
4. Be careful of your private setting and friend list on social media. Precautions against any friends who may assist your partner to spy or stalk you on social media for finding evidence that can hold against you. Therefore, you should rethink who can see and connect to your social media activities.
To learn more about the division of marriage assets, or to seek counsel for divorce cases or any other family law matters, please do not hesitate to contact Evie P. Jeang, Managing Partner of Ideal Legal Group and Founder of Surrogacy Concierges.
社交媒体允许用家将他们的生活点滴和感受分享到公共空间。它具有结识新朋友和寻找伴 侣的功能。另一方面,您的社交媒体活动可能會变成在您离婚过程中不利指控的证据。这 是因为它揭示了一个人的性格、财务状况、愛情关系状态等等;在法庭上,这些都可以用 作证据而进行分析和判決。因为用户可以发布和更新,或者被其他人标记他的状态和图片 的位置、日期和时间,所以,这使社交媒体成为评估婚姻关系中一方的有效法律文件。 离婚期间如何处理社交媒体?
1. 请勿尝试删除您帐户中已存在的帖子。这是因为删除帖子会引起怀疑。此外,社交 媒体帖子可以成为法庭的法律证据;因此,刪去一个帖子可以被视为删除证据。
2. 在任何社交媒体活动之前,请务必三思。即使你在社交媒体上的一个分享、讚、关 注或订阅也能反映出您的偏好,财务和心理状态,个性等,而这些都会影响您在离 婚,监护權或赡养费案件中的声誉。例如,您应该避免抱怨或攻击您的伴侣,孩子 或家人。如果您在争取监护權程序中,请勿发布与药物或酒精有关的内容。
3. 我們不建议您更新您的新浪漫关系,相反,您最好暂停使用约会网站或应用程序。 如果你继续使用在你的线上约会帐户或宣布新的关系,这些将使你成为在你过去的 关系中較容易出轨的一方;因此,这将在您的法律程序中带来负面后果。
4. 请注意您在社交媒体上的个人设置和朋友列表。预防任何可能帮助您前伴侣的朋友 ,他們會尝试在社交媒体上窥探或跟踪您,從而獲得对您不利的证据。因此,您应 该重新考虑谁可以查看和连接您的社交媒体活动。