Posts by gq
Judges-Preference System Followed for Child Custody Awards
When dealing with child custody issues, a family law lawyer can be essential to preserving the parental rights of an individual. However, it is necessary to realize that just because a parent has a family law attorney, it does not guarantee that a judge will render a decision awarding custody in their favor. One thing…
Read MoreThe Financial Intersection of Family and Immigration Law Found in Form I-864
More often than not, there is an intersection between family and immigration law. One aspect of the intersection of family and immigration law addresses the financial requirement in immigration proceedings for a petitioner to be liable for the expenses of the applicant. As family law practitioners it is crucial to know how your client can…
Read MoreAutomatic Temporary Restraining Orders
Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATRO) advice of the four standard family law restraining orders which start immediately once a dissolution is commenced and restrain the parties from taking certain actions absent a written agreement or a court order. When the Petitioner spouse files the divorce petition, the ATROs bind the Petitioner. When the Respondent spouse…
Read MoreThe Fate of Frozen Embryos after Divorce
The recent ruling of a California judge in family court was a hot topic of conversation in California family law matters. In fact, it was the first such ruling of its kind in California. San Francisco Superior Court Judge Anne-Christine Massullo ruled that a couple’s five frozen embryos had to be “thawed and discarded,” due…
Read MoreDivorce In Military Families: What Additional Legal Issues Are Involved?
Americans are proud of our military and the soldiers that service these duties. Each year, an increasing number of men and women join the military in hopes of being able to serve and protect this country from domestic and foreign terrorists. The sacrifice that these men and women face while in the military usually mean…
Read MoreWage, Labor and Hour Disputes in a Struggling Job Force: Are You a victim?
As the old saying goes, “work smarter, not harder.” While some working professionals consider it to be wise work ethic advice, others prefer the traditional method of working hard to reap the rewards. However, what happens when an employee’s overtime hours are not compensated for by the employer? Working overtime is not uncommon for…
Read MoreThe New Online Qualified Medical Evaluation Form
The new online QME Panel request form 106 is most definitely the easiest form to fill out that the Division of Workers’ Compensation has created. This form was made available on October 1, 2015, after a press release in July announced that the paper format will no longer be accepted. For all intents and purposes,…
Read MoreHow Deportation Affects Children of Immigrant Parents
Presidential candidate Donald Trump recently announced his immigration plan calling for the mass deportation of approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants.[1] However, Mr. Trump’s plan does not address what will happen to U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants. According to the National Counsel of La Raza, in 2008, there were approximately four million such children in the…
Read MoreUBER – If You Provide an Indispensable Service to a Business, You’re Probably an Employee
The California Uber class action (O’Connor v. Uber Technologies, Inc., No. C-13-3826, N.D. Cal.) was in the news again this week when Judge Edward M. Chen allowed California Uber drivers suing Uber for their tips and expenses to do so as a class. This will likely turn out to be a major loss for Uber,…
Read MoreWhat the Ashley Madison Website Hack Means for California Divorce
For Ashley Madison users, the idea of a sizzling hot, sticky summer probably sounds like a good thing. However, throw a website hack scandal into the mix, and you’ve got yourself a big sticky mess. In July, it was reported that Ashley Madison, a casual sex and cheating network, had been hacked by a group…
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